WE ARE ISO 9001, 14001 AND 45001 CERTIFIED
Both AS Homes (Scotland) & Briar Homes is proud to be awarded ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001 certifications, internationally recognised standards that ensure our homes and ongoing services meet the needs of our clients through effective integrated management systems.
We have developed and implemented our management systems in order to improve the overall performance, maintain a high-level of quality and strong customer service and to provide a sound basis for sustainable development initiatives. Our decision to work towards ISO 9001, 1400 and 45001 certification demonstrates the commitment to providing high-quality homes and after service to our clients and our ongoing investment in industry leading technology and development.

To become ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001 compliant, AS Homes (Scotland) & Briar Homes underwent an evaluation process that included integrated management system development, a management system documentation review, audit and an initial assessment which was very successful as no non-conformances were identified.
Throughout the process we were supported and assisted by Bradley Harrison of Rowan Integrated Management Systems Limited who made the process of achieving the standards seamless and without imposition on our principle focus of delivering high quality homes.
The ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001 certifications are the assurances that we have robust, clearly defined procedures in place in all our business areas such as design, building, supply chain management, risk management, handling of documents/data and strong business continuity processes.
We can proudly state that AS Homes (Scotland) & Briar Homes build with quality and transparency in mind. We integrate the attitude of quality, environment and health and safety in our daily work and continuously challenge ourselves to improve our integrated management systems to provide homes that meet or exceed the needs and expectations of our customers, while complying with specifications and regulations.
To view pdf files of our certificates and to verify our certification please click on the following links:
A S Homes Scotland
205 St Vincent Street, Glasgow G2 5QD
t: 0141 229 1646 ~ f: 0141 248 1636 ~ e: info@ashscot.co.uk
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